Be a hero in your house
Beginning 2010. After winning the pitch for the Leroy Merlin account – one of the biggest chains of home improvement stores – we started our efforts in repositioning the stores in consumer perception. Both, strategy and creation, had to keep the likable image of the markets, as home decoration supplier, adding the heavy stuff – renovation and building materials.
And we did it: five 30 second image TVC‘s flanked by 15 second promotion TVC‘s, outdoor and internet.
So why the heroes in our TVC‘s are heroes in the first place? Because they can be you. Or us. Everyone knows this feeling: Even when you‘re all thumbs, someday you have definitely managed to do something in the house by yourself – some small repair or remodeling. And now tell us what it was like. Proudness, wasn’t it? In fact you‘ve been the hero for your loved ones too. Now that is the reason, why people do recognize themselves in our campaign. And why it works.
Outcome? Now we are very sure about two things: When it comes to communication, we are good in that. When it comes to renovation, … yeah well …
Everyone can be a hero. If only one uses tools and material from Leroy Merlin, that is. What bigger merit than improving your house for your close ones?
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