Lodz Film School


Logotype and web design.

Lodz Film School is one of the best known film academies in the world. Hundreds come to Poland each year, to study direction, film editing, direction of photography or acting.
We had the honor to design the school’s new visual identity and website. We aimed for something modern and elegant, while retaining the responsive feel of an artistic academy.

In terms of logo, our goal was to create a simple emblem that would generate different interpretations. Straight and diagonal lines form convex or concave space suggesting various aspects of filmmaking such as scene, screen or camera itself.

The Lodz Film School website – the most important element of it’s new identity needed to unite an intuitive experience with artistic qualities. Diagonal lines and dynamics working around a daring typography made it visually elegant, but at the same time accesible and inviting.

Art direction, logo and web design: Piotr Niklas
Web dev: Hubert Traczyk, Michał Balaszczuk
Programming: Michał Balaszczuk
This project was executed as Studio BX.

















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